Thursday, April 29, 2010

baked eggs in a bread bowl!

I’m ready to get married because I am SO TIRED of being HUNRGY. My dress is form fitting, so with every piece of chocolate/bread/tasty goodness that goes into my mouth so does the guilt and sheer horror of a bulging belly on my wedding day. Just being honest.

But. For those of ya’ll that aren’t on the deprivation diet, my friend John shared with me this recipe which he said was just to DIE FOR. Find the original post & pictures here.

Baked Eggs in Bread Bowl

Crusty dinner rolls, as many as you choose
Eggs, large, one for each roll
Mixed herbs, chopped, such as, parsley, chives and tarragon, about a teaspoon for each roll
Heavy cream, 1 teaspoon for each roll
Salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese, grated, as much as you want to sprinkle on each roll

Slice off top of each dinner roll and gently remove some bread until there is a hole large enough to accommodate an egg. Arrange rolls on a baking sheet. Reserve tops. Crack an egg into each roll. Top each egg with some herbs and a bit of cream. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake in a 350 degree oven until eggs are set and bread is toasted 20 to 25 minutes. After eggs have cooked for 20 minutes, place bread tops on baking sheet and bake until golden brown. Let sit 5 minutes.

Place tops on rolls and serve warm.

It’s like I’m drooling.

Happy Thursday/Weekend to me!



  1. Hi!! Just found your blog!! :)

    This looks delicious!! I've never heard of this before!! I'll have to try it. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. oh my goshhhh that looks delicious. that would have been the perfect mothers day breakfast for mom. ill definitely keep it in mind!!!
