Monday, May 3, 2010

wait what? its may?

If you haven't started watching HBO's The Pacific you need to! Last night was part 8 (out of the 13 part mini-series) and it was incredible, I bawled my eyes out. You've only got to be a semi-history nerd to love this series I promise!

In other news. Are we serious- its MAY?!

Our wedding countdown is down to 32 days. I can hardly believe it, our 15 month engagement is coming to an end!

7 working days left at my job :)

Happy Monday!



  1. Oh wow, how exciting. Only 32 days left. Enjoy every minute of it!!

  2. Wow, only 7 working days left! And only 32 days until the wedding...that's so exciting!

  3. Sounds like lots of great things are coming!
