Sunday, June 13, 2010

off to Chi City

Dan and I are off to Chicago this evening to see his best friend and then make our way to a wedding in Indianapolis. I've never been to Chicago but have heard only wonderful things so I'm excited to see what this city is all about!

Side note: all of this traveling is doing a number on my weight :/ drinking a bottle of wine a night & treating myself with amazing meals is leaving me with quite the belly pooch! once we're all moved and settled in Hawaii I'm going to have to re-vamp my diet BIG TIME.

the culprit: dan loves breweries and craft beers. and I obviously have to be a good new wife and sample all of the beers with him...

the proof: half of those samplers are for me!

however. for now I'll spoil myself with as much wine/beer and calories as I can :)



  1. Spoil yourself :) So neat your in Chicago. I've never been there and would love to go sometime. Enjoy the wedding!

  2. I understand the travel thing. You are what you like. You must have Chicago style pizza this weekend!
